Wednesday 18 May 2016

Othello & Iago

According to Adrian Lester, how long has Othello been fighting for?

According to Adrian Lester, Othello has been fighting since the young age of seven. This could show Othello's character to have known only of war and battle since his childhood, which explains why he seeks solace in aggression and later on the murder of his innocent wife, Desdemona.

According to Adrian Lester, Othello is not born into a 'sense of nobility', like those around him. How does Adrian Lester say this impacts the character?

Lester presents that, because Othello isn't born into any sort of wealth or position, Othello's image and reputation is very important to him. He marries Desdemona which heightens his position in society and eventually kills out of jealousy but also in a desperate act to save his beloved reputation. Eventually Othello kills out of jealousy but also in a desperate act to save his beloved reputation.

What increases Othello's status in Venice?

Othello marries Desdemona, which heightens his position in society as she comes from a very well respected family in Venice. This allows Othello to gain more respect from his peers and even more authority.

Why does Rory Kinnear say Iago is disgruntled with Othello?

Rory Kinnear says that Iago is disgruntled with Othello because, Iago has worked very hard striving for the position of lieutenant, which then gets given to Cassio (a younger, posher officer). Iago sees himself slighted by Othello as Cassio has gained the job from status not hard work.

What do Othello and Iago have in common, according to Rory Kinnear?

According to Rory Kinnear, Othello and Iago have both started out right at the bottom of the ranks and have both moved upwards to where they are in the play. Although Othello becomes a general, Iago is stuck in his position, not quite reaching the position he has strived for (lieutenant). This leaves Iago bitter and seeking revenge.

Around 4.20, Rory Kinnear lists some of the ways Iago aims to bring down Othello and Cassio. What are they?

Some ways, which are listed by Kinnear, that Iago aims to bring down Othello and Cassio are through: subterfuge, insinuation and getting people on his side.

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