Monday 20 June 2016

Act 5 Scene 2 questions

What reasons does Othello give for having to kill Desdemona?
Othello believes that (Desdemona) "she must die, else she'll betray more men" he believes that this is a moral and valiant thing to do. Othello has talked himself into believing that he is ridding the world of Desdemona's unfaithful, promiscuous nature to save others like himself.

What evidence is there to suggest that Shakespeare adhered to racial stereotypes in this scene?
The fact that Othello even has the thought of murdering Desdemona based on no real evidence is absurd, yet Othello takes it one step further and carries out the deed. This adheres to the racial stereotype of black people being: aggressive, impulsive and that they let their emotions control their actions. Although Desdemona loves Othello, we can see that she is still afraid of him when he comes to her in bed during Act 5 Scene 2. Shakespeare follows the 'mystical negro' stereotype in the line "Yet I fear you, for you're fatal then when your eyes roll so" this portrays that he's blind with rage and follows the unpredictable stereotype of black people in Shakespeare's era.

Othello tells Desdemona that Cassio has confessed to sleeping with her (line 68). What was this 'confession'?
Othello takes the fact that Cassio had the 'handkerchief' as a confession of Desdemona's adultery even though he did not confront Cassio himself like he should have; he assumed it had happened anyway.

Emilia says "Good gentleman, let me have leave to speak./ 'Tis proper I obey him - but not now!" [5.2.192-193] what does this indicate about Emilia and society? Consider the circumstances the characters are in.
Emilia, in a natural situation, would obey her husband's orders; yet under the circumstance of Desdemona's death, she no longer has any respect for him because in her eyes, it is Iago's fault that her mistress is dead. The fact that Emilia says "Good gentlemen, let me have leave to speak" shows that she still knows her place in society and seeks permission from a higher power (in this case Montano and Gratiano who represent Venice and order). Emilia respects her position in society but she knows what is right, and in this scene she deems it right to cast aside her loyalty to Iago.

How is Emilia presented in lines 125-233. Consider the language she uses, how she behaves and what she says to Othello and Iago.
Emilia is presented as furious within these lines. She unmasks Iago (her own husband) as the reason behind all the happenings and murders that have taken place. Emilia goes against the stereotypical view of women in the 1600s when she deceives her husband when he tells her to "charm your tongue". Emilia sees the act of murdering Desdemona as more important than obeying her husband or Othello.

List all of the names Emilia calls Othello when she realises what he has done. How does this contrast with how Othello was portrayed at the start of the play?
'the blacker devil', 'gull', 'dolt', 'dull moor', 'murderous coxcomb'.
At the start of the play,Othello is deemed as 'valiant' and 'noble' yet now he is being called the complete opposite. Throughout the play he has been slowly becoming more devilish.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Act 5 Scene 1

At the beginning of Act 5 scene 1, Iago and Roderigo plan to murder Cassio, this almost mirrors Act 1 scene 1; the point in the play in which Iago first manipulates Roderigo into helping him take down Othello. Act 5 scene 1 also mirrors Act 1 scene 1 because the scene is set in the dark evening, Iago will fight with Roderigo and Cassio, attempting the murder them both, and in the opening scene Brabantio’s men try to fight Othello over Desdemona. Iago’s opportunist nature is portrayed in this scene because he takes advantage of this poorly lit scene to strike and kill his pawns.

In this scene, Iago states “I’ll be at thy elbow” this is ironic as in the time in which ‘Othello’ is set, people would say that the devil is at your elbow; Iago is the devilish character in the play and he almost presents himself to be the devil.

The fact that Roderigo doesn’t die no matter how many attempts Iago has, presents the inevitability that Iago will eventually be unmasked and his plan will surface; this is the start of Iago’s downfall. After Iago’s failed second attempt to murder Roderigo, Roderigo will know that his theory of Iago’s duplicitous nature is correct and that all the events leading to and Desdemona’s murder were Iago’s fault.

As Bianca turns up out of the blue straight into the scene where two attempted murders have taken place, Iago is quick to blame her for the occurrences. As Bianca admits “he supped at my house” Iago can make up the story that the two men were fighting over Bianca (as although she wasn’t, she was sleeping with both men), therefore she is a prime target for Iago.  

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Cast Cassio

Matthew Daddario as Cassio

Matthew Daddario would make a good Cassio because he is good looking. This is helpful because Othello has to believe that Desdemona would cheat on him with Cassio; it enhances the reality of the theory.

In his previous role as Alec Lightwood in Shadowhunters, Daddario acts as a selfless character who treasures the reputation of tradition and family, therefore he would suit the role as Cassio because reputation means a lot to him. 

Cassio becomes Othello's right hand lieutenant and the character Alec is the male protagonist's companion. Both of the characters are very similar, so for Daddario to act as another character like this, it would come very naturally.


Wednesday 18 May 2016

Othello & Iago

According to Adrian Lester, how long has Othello been fighting for?

According to Adrian Lester, Othello has been fighting since the young age of seven. This could show Othello's character to have known only of war and battle since his childhood, which explains why he seeks solace in aggression and later on the murder of his innocent wife, Desdemona.

According to Adrian Lester, Othello is not born into a 'sense of nobility', like those around him. How does Adrian Lester say this impacts the character?

Lester presents that, because Othello isn't born into any sort of wealth or position, Othello's image and reputation is very important to him. He marries Desdemona which heightens his position in society and eventually kills out of jealousy but also in a desperate act to save his beloved reputation. Eventually Othello kills out of jealousy but also in a desperate act to save his beloved reputation.

What increases Othello's status in Venice?

Othello marries Desdemona, which heightens his position in society as she comes from a very well respected family in Venice. This allows Othello to gain more respect from his peers and even more authority.

Why does Rory Kinnear say Iago is disgruntled with Othello?

Rory Kinnear says that Iago is disgruntled with Othello because, Iago has worked very hard striving for the position of lieutenant, which then gets given to Cassio (a younger, posher officer). Iago sees himself slighted by Othello as Cassio has gained the job from status not hard work.

What do Othello and Iago have in common, according to Rory Kinnear?

According to Rory Kinnear, Othello and Iago have both started out right at the bottom of the ranks and have both moved upwards to where they are in the play. Although Othello becomes a general, Iago is stuck in his position, not quite reaching the position he has strived for (lieutenant). This leaves Iago bitter and seeking revenge.

Around 4.20, Rory Kinnear lists some of the ways Iago aims to bring down Othello and Cassio. What are they?

Some ways, which are listed by Kinnear, that Iago aims to bring down Othello and Cassio are through: subterfuge, insinuation and getting people on his side.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Casting the role of Desdemona

Mia Wasikowska as Desdemona

I believe that Mia Wasikowska would play the role of Desdemona well in the play, Shakespeare's 'Othello'.
Mia has had a lot of experience working alongside the biggest name in the film industry such as Johnny Depp and Anne Hathaway when playing the lead role of Alice in the film Alice in Wonderland. The role that Mia played as Alice, a character with naïve perception of the world and others, (similar to Desdemona) relates well to the role of Desdemona as the character of Desdemona is very naïve of how people can act and be manipulated to do, as she is completely lost when Othello becomes angry.
Mia has a young, innocent look about her which is perfect for the role of Desdemona as she continues to be obedient to Othello throughout the play because she believes that the man she married would never harm her. Mia's pale complexion and fair hair would help to reinforce to the audience the differences between Desdemona and Othello in the play, making Desdemona seem even more naïve, therefore making the audience feel even more sympathy towards her and more resentment towards Othello.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Big Question 2

How do ideas about difference and otherness help Iago's manipulation of Othello in this scene?

Iago bases his plan upon Othello's differences and insecurities, this helps him to manipulate Othello much more easily as he uses his weaknesses to his advantage. He also uses ideas about how society would react to Othello and Desdemona’s relationship.

Earlier in the play, Othello shows his insecurity of how he speaks differently to the Italian people “rude am I in my speech”, which shows that he believes on some level that he is beneath the Italian race even if he is higher than them in rank. Cassio helped Othello to win Desdemona’s heart, and therefore was close to Desdemona; they spent a lot of time together. As Iago questions Othello about this discretely “Did Michael Cassio, when you wooed my lady, know of your love?”, this automatically makes Othello think that there could be a slight chance that something has happened between Cassio and Desdemona in the past and that there even could be something on going.

Iago reminds Othello that Desdemona is different to him in “clime, complexion and degree”; he picks up on differences between Desdemona and Othello to use against their relationship. Iago presents the idea that Desdemona may realise that she wants someone more like herself, as their relationship is of “Foul disproportion, thoughts unnatural” according to Iago and the rest of society in this time period. This again strikes Othello’s insecure streak as he knows that he and Desdemona are very different and a lot of people think that their marriage isn’t right and therefore, Desdemona may conforms to pressure from society.

Overall, Iago uses many ideas and ways to manipulate Othello’s thoughts into what he wants him to think which is the opposite of the truth by laying foundations and giving Othello situations that could have happened.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Iago- Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston is famous for his role in both the Avengers and the Night Manager. Loki who he plays the role of in the Avengers lies and is a very deceptive and manipulative character like Iago. Tom Hiddleston also plays Johnathon Pine in The Night Manager who originally starts as a hotel manager in order to keep an eye on a wealthy family who are suspected of doing risky deals with suspicious men, he gains their trust by lying to the family. He changes his identity to remain incognito but his plan is foiled when he gets beaten up by a gang of thieves who targeted the family for money and took their son as a ransom. I think that Tom Hiddleston would be a good character to play Iago as he is used to playing deceptive, manipulative and evil characters like Iago.